My store can use a No Qualms Retail Refresh. How much will it cost?
The scope and cost of the work depends on your needs. We will work together to see where we can be of most help and make sure that my services fit within your budget. Here are some options for different levels of work to give you an idea of your investment.

Spot Refresh;
Help with a narrow, specific issue
$200 – $400 for the project
For example I can review and recommend improvements to:
- your Google My Business page
- your help wanted ad
- a marketing event
After the initial free consultation by video chat, you will get an hour long exploratory session, a full written report and an hour long implementation session to help you understand and implement the recommendations.
Area Refresh;
Help with a broader aspect of your business
$500-$750 for the project
For example I can review and recommend improvements to:
- your online presence
- your employment process
- your marketing calendar
After the initial free consultation by video chat, you will get an hour long exploratory session, an interim session to report on progress, a full written report and an hour long implementation session to help you understand and implement the recommendations. There will also be a half hour follow-up session later to check on implementation.
Full Refresh;
Ongoing help with all aspects of your business
$250-$1,000 monthly
For example, we could work through all the modules of the Retail Mastery System and make sure that they are fully implemented in your store. This would be up to a year long process.
After the initial free consultation, there will be weekly, hour long calls to map out next steps, review recommendations and progress. Written recommendations or reports will be submitted as required.